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July 15, 2009, a Wednesday
W of Rancheria Falls to Salmo Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada
— Alaska Highway Day 8: Fantastic Sunset at Salmo Lake
I opened up a new bag of coffee this morning. I use 2.2-lb bags of LavAzza whole bean Gran Filtro Dark Roast and grind what I need each day using a Capresso Infinity conical burr grinder, then brew the coffee using an Aeropress. Did a quick edit of the images from last night. Hooked up the Jeep and departed at 10:17.

Shortly before reaching Teslin, I saw a billboard that said that Mukluk Annie's is closed for the season. That was disappointing because I had been planning to go to their salmon bake because the food's good and the place just oozes character.

We reached the Yukon Motel in Teslin at 11:53. I went in to get the password for their WiFi, then tried to connect from the RV. After driving around a bit, I was able to get online and started to upload some images for a photo contest.

Had lunch. When the internet connection went down, I took the Mac into the restaurant and was able to connect to the internet through their other network. I had to start the upload process again for the photos. I worked on setting up this blog site some more. Edited images from yesterday. Had an error uploading images for the photo contest. Not good because the deadline is midnight tonight. Went back to the RV to put away my laundry that J had done. Went back to restaurant to continue working online.

We decided to have dinner here because Mukluk Annie's is closed. I had the Klondike Perogies and Caribou Sausage. The perogies were tasty, but the sausage wasn't anything special. The photo upload apeared to have stalled again, so we packed up our computers to leave. Got some gas in the RV to make sure we'd make Whitehorse. Departed at 8:17.

It's really hazy! By Johnson's Crossing at 8:55.

We found a great place to boondock at Salmo Lake around 9:05. The unnamed lake just to the west of Salmo Lake was very picturesque and I couldn't wait to go photograph it.

After setting up camp, I put on some DEET to protect myself from the mosquitos then went down to photograph the lake. The cloud cover didn't light up like I had hoped and the color was restricted to a small band near the horizon, but boy was it colorful! I shot mostly with the 100-400, and after a while the mosquitos got really bad. One even bit my lip! A muskrat swam by rather close while I was photographing.

This image of sunset was made by combining three exposures in Photoshop. That let me capture details in the shadows and highlights that wouldn't have been possible with just a single exposure.