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October 21, 2009, a Wednesday
Parker (K), Colorado, USA
— Watched the grandkids and processed images
Had my normal breakfast. Looked into other outfits to print my online image orders. Worked up a blog entry.

Had my normal lunch. Bid on a Lee Filters 2-stop soft split neutral density filter on auction at eBay. I already have a similar filter in the Cokin P size (84x120mm), but I'm transitioning to a 100mm-wide filter system. We left around 12:50 in the Jeep.

We stopped at the Parker Library to pick up items that we had on hold.

We went to SJ&DilK's (J's Son J and Daughter-in-law K's) to watch GJ (grandson J, age 4) and GS (granddaughter S, age 2.5). GS screamed when DilK left, then she went to her room to be alone. I started a load of laundry, and J and I enjoyed our time with GJ. GS came out more than an hour after DilK left — she had taken a nap. GA (grandson A, age 7) came home from school, and J and I took him ...

To Best Buy so we could have some time with him while J returned an item. GA enjoyed looking through the Wii games.

We returned to SJ&DilK's to drop off GA.

We returned to the RV around 5:25.

Had dinner around 6:05 of Bertolli Italian Sausage & Rigatoni and Texas Toast. I did the dishes even though I had cooked because J had volunteered to go out to the Jeep to pick up the items from the library that we had left there. It was a good trade for me because it was cold and drizzly outisde.

Had some Bommerlunder Gold Jubiläums Akvavit while processing images for a stock submission. In my usual work flow, after I edit the images to down-select the ones that I want to keep, I assign a final file name and correct exposure and white-balance in Capture One (a RAW converter) before creating a basic TIFF file. Then when I need to do something with the image, I process it in Photoshop to increase contrast and saturation and perform any other work to make the image look good. Tonight, I was doing a bunch of Photoshop processing, and processed the following two images from the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya in October 2007. "The Mara" is one of the best locations for wildlife photography in the world. There is a wide variety of African species, there are a large number of individuals, and they're accessible. It's uncommon to see a serval (far left), but on that trip, we were fortunate to have been able to photograph three different servals. Spotted hyena (near left) are common, and this individual was photographed at first light.