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March 31, 2010, a Wednesday
near Patagonia, Arizona, USA
— Photographed birds at the Patagonia-Sonoita Creek Preserve
I got out of bed before J and did some computer work. I had my normal breakfast after J got out of bed, then did some more computer work. We left around 8:15 in the Jeep.

We went to a roadside picnic area south of Patagonia in search of a good birding area. I don't think we ended up at the right place because the trail we were looking for along the Sonoita Creek wasn't there. The wind had picked up and we watched a blue-gray gnatcatcher bopping around in the tree tops.

We went to the Patagonia-Sonoita Creek Preserve around 9:30. It belongs to The Nature Conservancy and is another good birding area. There was a male vermillion flycatcher in the parking lot when we arrived, but we weren't able to get any good shots of it. The sead feeder by the visitor center had lots of lesser goldfinch (left), pine siskin, and house finch. The hummingbird feeders were attracting broad-billed and black-chinned hummingbirds. We left the feeders and took our cameras for a walk through the preserve while looking for other birds. A female vermillion flycatcher toyed with us as did a blue-gray gnatcatcher. The wind picked up even more. Not up to the 20-30 mph with gusts to 50 mph (30-50 kph with gusts to 80 kph) as predicted, but maybe around 15-20 mph (24-30 kph).

We returned to the RV around 12:40 and I downloaded the images I took this morning. I had lunch while reading more of the March 2010 Outdoor Photographer. Then I downselected the images from this morning in iView then Capture One (C1). I processed a bunch of images for a stock submission and J watched the beginning of This Is It on DVD, a movie about Michael Jackson. The wind died down around 4:30 and the outside temperature was down to 69°F (21°C) — it had been up to the upper 70s (about 25°C) earlier. I selected and processed an image for the blog, and the wind picked up again with some really strong gusts.

I had dinner by myself around 6:15 of a leftover black bean burrito followed by a Cool Mint Chocolate Clif Bar for dessert.

I started to work up a blog entry and J had dinner of popcorn while watching the rest of This Is It on DVD. I loaded a set of bird calls onto my Palm Treo 755p and then played with pTunes (Pocket Tunes, the MP3 player for Palm OS devices) for the first time. While looking at nature photographer Darwin Wiggett's blog, I discovered a link to landscape photographer Guy Tal's blog. He has some very thought-provoking entries.