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September 11, 2010, a Saturday
near North Rim, Arizona, USA
— Photographed sunset at Locust Point
We got up around our normal time and I had my usual breakfast. I selected and processed four images for the blog then worked up a blog entry. I went outside to reattach our air compressor to the RV because it had gotten jostled loose on the on the move two days ago. Then I did some computer work.

I had lunch around 11:50 and continued doing some computer work. I started to make a batch of coffee concentrate in the Toddy Cold Brew System around 1:20. I processed images for a stock submission. I started to make dinner so we could eat around our usual time because we weren't planning to go out to photograph tonight.

We had dinner around 5:55 of Bertolli Italian Sausage & Rigatoni and Texas Toast.

As J was doing the dishes, I looked out her office window to see if I could locate what sounded like some coyotes howling nearby. I couldn't locate them, but I saw some nice clouds to the south and west. We quickly got ready to leave to take advantage of them. We left in the Jeep around 6:25.

We went by five deer: three does and two fawns.

We went to Locust Point and the clouds were just starting to light up — we made it just in time. Unfortunately, there were some contrails that made a mess of compositions I would have preferred. My favorite image (left) is mostly just of some of the clouds with not much of the canyon. We left as the color started to fade on the clouds.

We returned to the RV around 7:25, and the color had re-intensified on the clouds — we had left too early. :( I downloaded and downselected the images from this evening. Then I processed images for a stock submission and completed enough for my usual set of 200.